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Help the Wheelchair Basketball Team Stay Strong

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
257 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 21, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Help the Wheelchair Basketball Team Stay Strong

The Auburn Wheelchair Basketball team needs medical equipment to help with the pre-habilitation and rehabilitation of our student-athletes to ensure they are healthy to perform on the court. Having access to this equipment will allow our certified athletic trainer to evaluate and quickly treat any issues. As one of only nine Wheelchair Basketball programs in the country at a higher education institution, we believe this will also help us continue to grow and expand our program.

Because of generous donors on previous Tiger Giving Days, the Auburn Wheelchair Basketball team has been able to purchase new sports chairs and adaptive strength and conditioning equipment to help our student athletes on and off the court. Let's keep that giving spirit going! Thanks for helping keep us healthy, and please share the link to our project with family and friends.

Choose a giving level


Bodda Getta Donor

Rah! Rah! Rah! Show your love for Auburn with a $30 donation.


Track 'Em Tigers Donor

Track 'Em Tigers! Give 'em $75!


War Eagle Donor

Be fearless and true with a $100 donation!