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Support STEM Students Studying Water Quality Issues Abroad

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
86 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 21, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Support STEM Students Studying Water Quality Issues Abroad

This Tiger Giving Day, give an Auburn University student a life-changing experience through the Global Learning Immersion for Diverse Experience (GLIDE).

GLIDE offers students the opportunity for interdisciplinary learning about water quality while enhancing their cultural awareness during a study abroad experience in the Dominican Republic. Students will study global issues related to water purification, wastewater treatment, water scarcity and drought management, water conservation, health issues in relation to water, and water-related public policies.

In addition to participating in service-based learning related to water quality issues, students will engage with the local culture through the exploration of historical sites and social activities. The experience will count towards their coursework back in the classroom as part of a challenging curriculum.

GLIDE’s goal is for students to utilize the knowledge gained during this experience to have a positive impact on people, animals and plants in the U.S. and abroad.

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Bodda Getta Donor

Rah! Rah! Rah! Show your love for Auburn with a $30 donation.


Track 'Em Tigers Donor

Track 'Em Tigers! Give 'em $75!


War Eagle Donor

Be fearless and true with a $100 donation!