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EAGLES Challenge

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
241 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 16, at 12:00 PM CDT
Project Owners

EAGLES Challenge

UPDATE 10/16/19 12 p.m.: The matching challenge has ended, but you can still give to the EAGLES program. To learn more, contact Duante Stanton at (334) 444-3063 or


UPDATE 10/16/19 11 a.m..An anonymous donor has stepped forward with another $5,000 MATCH in the FINAL hour of our challenge! All gifts—of any size—will be matched until we reach an additional $5,000! ONLY ONE HOUR LEFT!


UPDATE 10/15/19 1:40 p.m.: Synergy Laboratories, Inc. has agreed to match all gifts—of any size—until we reach an additional $5,000; bringing our new goal to $15,000! 


Last fall, the College of Education launched a unique program designed to give students with intellectual disabilities a chance to experience college life, known as the Education to Accomplish Growth in Life Experiences for Success (EAGLES) program.

This four-year residential campus immersion program focuses on academic enrichment, personal and social skills, independence, and integrated work experiences.

Until noon on Oct. 16, every gift to EAGLES will be matched, up to $10,000.

The funds raised would be enough to cover the cost of a student’s housing for two years, pay for health and wellness trainings for all of the students, or provide a family with a substantial scholarship. 

In 2018, the program welcomed three students to campus. This year, we were able to welcome five new students. Paired with student mentors on campus, this four-year program provides a postsecondary education for EAGLES students to engage in a residential campus experience. It helps them learn independence and important life skills.

The EAGLES Program represents an underserved population who deserve our very best efforts — to better them is to better ourselves. Please support this vital program by giving today!


If you would also like to offer a match or for more information about the EAGLES Program, please contact Duante Stanton at (334) 444-3063 or

Choose a giving level


Fitness band

Fitness band for Active Auburn class


Personal training

One semester of personal training for a student


Dining plan

Half of a student's dining plan for a semester



Laptop for a student



Housing for a semester


Semester fee

Program fee for a semester