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Bring the Model United Nations to Campus

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
70 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 23, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Bring the Model United Nations to Campus

The Auburn Model United Nations (MUN) team, housed in the Department of Political Science and College of Liberal Arts, will host its first ever (and hopefully annual) high school model united nations competition on Auburn’s campus in April 2022. 

We have invited both local high schools and high schools from surrounding metro areas (including Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, and Atlanta) to compete at the one-day conference. Our central goal is to establish a brand-new high school model united nations competition on Auburn’s campus, but we need your help! 

Your contribution will support individual high school students and teams to travel to Auburn to compete and see the beauty of Auburn’s campus as well as to support the general development of this hopefully annual competition for many years to come. 

Hosting a high school conference of this nature is a very common fundraising mechanism used by college model united nations teams all over the southeast and nation, and the long-term project goal will be to provide a sustainable fundraising event to support team growth moving forward. As an example of this characteristic, comparable institutions of higher education such as the University of Alabama, Florida State University, Georgia Tech, Columbus State University, and the University of Georgia all host regional high school competitions, so it is high time that Auburn join their ranks! 

Model UN Conference

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Bodda Getta Donor

Rah! Rah! Rah! Show your love for Auburn with a $30 donation.


Track ‘Em Tigers Donor

Track 'Em Tigers! Give 'em $75!


War Eagle Donor

Be fearless and true with a $100 donation!