On Tiger Giving Day, help fund the growth of the Sporting Firearms and Archery course and introduce a new generation of Auburn University students to the wide range of shooting sport activities. Your gift will enable the College of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences to expand upon its current offering of hands-on, expert Marksmanship and safety training to meet the demand of this course’s increasing popularity.
Your gift will support the costs of the rising demand for student Marksmanship and safety instruction, travel to ranges, and safety equipment. By giving today, you’ll inspire the next generation of shooting sport enthusiasts who will help preserve our sporting heritage and conservation efforts for years to come.
Wildlife Enterprise Management (WLEM) is an innovative, inter-disciplinary program in the College of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. In fact, it is only the second of its kind in the country. It requires students to earn degrees in Wildlife and Business and complete coursework in Hospitality Management. By combining these areas of study, our students are uniquely trained to excel in the niche industries of hospitality and outdoor recreation. Knowledge and experience in shooting sports and related safety aspects will play an important role in their careers.
In addition to being an integral course within the WLEM program, Sporting Firearms and Archery is available to all Auburn University students. Whether they are a student preparing for a career in the outdoor sporting industry, an enthusiast honing their skills, or someone new to the sport altogether – the course is gaining popularity and we must be able to provide personalized instruction to a greater number of students.
We need your help to accommodate the increase in enrollment, particularly when overall active participation in shooting sport activities has decreased in recent years. A main cause has been the lagging interest within the traditional demographic. As a result, portions of the tax revenues from this $1 billion per year industry that are allocated toward conservation efforts have been stifled.
Notably, the fastest growing demographic in shooting sports is women, and we are confident that the popularity of the course will continue the upward trend of reaching new participants in non-traditional demographics.