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LEAD Loachapoka High Schoolers to Continuing Education

Raised toward our $20,000 Goal
272 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 23, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

LEAD Loachapoka High Schoolers to Continuing Education

The College of Education is seeking $20,000 for 30 rising 9th-12th grade students from Loachapoka High School (LHS) to attend LEAD Camp this Summer.

LEAD (Learners Exploring Academic Dreams) Camp, which is coordinated through the Truman Pierce Institute, exposes students from LHS to different departments and activities on and off campus.  

These experiences educate and enlighten the students to different cultures, various careers, and the ability to observe people and their actions outside of their own community. 

LEAD Camp opens the participant’s eyes to the possibilities of furthering his/her education — whether community, trade, or a 4-year institution – into a career.  

High school students from Loachapoka

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Bodda Getta Donor

Rah! Rah! Rah! Show your love for Auburn with a $30 donation.


Track ‘Em Tigers Donor

Track 'Em Tigers! Give 'em $75!


War Eagle Donor

Be fearless and true with a $100 donation!