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Grow More, Give More with Pop-Up Gardens

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
145 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 22, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Grow More, Give More with Pop-Up Gardens

Tiger Giving Day is over, but you can still give to the College of Agriculture here.

Close to two million Alabama residents live in a food desert, which means they lack regular access to the nutritious food needed for an active and healthy life. Rural residents have little access to food pantries, while urban residents are hampered by the timing and routes of public transportation. 

While these sound like very different problems, they can be addressed by the same solution: bring the community garden to the food desert in a portable, inexpensive and easy-to-grow kit. 

Grow More, Give More pop-up community gardens will deliver small-scale, adaptable gardens to your neighbors and seniors across the state. 

Garden kits include everything from container and soil to seeds and drip irrigation. In addition, Alabama Extension and community volunteers will share instructions and know-how, helping novice and veteran gardeners alike in the fight to end hunger in Alabama.

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The Seed Bonanza

An assortment of vegetable seeds to keep the pop-up garden growing all year long, including bean, cucumber, greens, pea, pepper, and tomato seeds.


The Bountiful Garden

An assortment of popular vegetable transplants, a 33-pound bag of balanced fertilizer and a hanging scale to record the garden’s ongoing success.


The Hunger Buster

An assortment of vegetable seeds, vegetable transplants, sweet potato slips, five-gallon buckets, and grow bags to maximize crop production.


The Works

All of the supplies needed to build an entire pop-up garden, including five-gallon buckets, a metal growing circle, grow bags, a drip irrigation system, bucket plant supports, trellis supports and lumber for building the plant stand.