The Mell Classroom Building, currently under construction in front of RBD Library, is set for completion in fall 2017. The new building will provide students with several collaborative team spaces, study spaces, and flexible classrooms, also known as EASL classrooms (Engaged Active Student Learning).
We want to make it easy for students to reserve spaces in the new building with a kiosk and app. The kiosk will be supported by an app called D!bs (dibs). Through this technology, students will be able to reserve their very own personal study rooms/study spaces prior to arriving to the Mell Classroom Building and the RBD Library, whether it be from the comfort of their dorm room or during a class in which the students have been assigned a group project.
D!bs will help hold the students more accountable for their learning by helping them to collaborate with their peers and professors in more dynamic and engaging ways. The cost of the kiosk is $10,000, and with all of us working together on Tiger Giving Day we will able to successfully achieve our goal. Join us by calling dibs!