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Student-Athlete Internship Costs

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
208 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 21, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Student-Athlete Internship Update

October 10, 2017

Good Morning!

Thank you for loyally supporting Auburn Athletics by contributing to our Tiger Giving Day project this past February. Because of your help, we received 208 donations and raised $57,565 on Tiger Giving Day. Your gifts benefitted our student-athletes by enabling us to provide more than 70 internship opportunities and to create an exciting new comprehensive life skills program.

Providing internships for vital career development became a priority when student-athletes highlighted this as the one area where more assistance would be beneficial. Because of their rigorous schedules, student-athletes rarely are able to participate in traditional internships. So, we began to work with our student-athletes to understand their areas of career interest and identify opportunities where they could gain firsthand experience in those occupations. The funds raised through Tiger Giving Day have allowed us to expand their awareness of potential career options and focus on experiential learning opportunities for them to gain in-depth knowledge in a vast number of occupational fields.

In addition to our successful internship program, we used a portion of Tiger Giving Day gifts to create the AUBURNYOU program for student-athletes. This program is an umbrella that houses all the services provided to our current and former student-athletes. It offers a number of resources including assistance in finding internships and employment opportunities. The program will serve as a resource for prospective student-athletes to learn about Auburn and gain insight on the services available for student-athletes on our campus. You can visit to learn more about this exciting new program.

Thank you for investing in the lives of our student-athletes through Tiger Giving Day. Together we are helping to prepare our student-athletes for great success beyond graduation by building a solid foundation for a prosperous future in whatever career field they choose. 


War Eagle!

Thank You!

February 22, 2017

First off, can we just say WOW! The funds that yourself and the rest of the Auburn Family raised yesterday to support post-graduate student-athlete internships was truly astounding. At day’s end a total of 208 donors combined to raise $57,565, more than five times our original goal of $10,000. It was a great day for Auburn Athletics!

When our student-athletes leave Auburn we want them to do so with a diploma in hand, ring on their finger and a job opportunity. Having the necessary funds to support post-graduate internship opportunities will allow our student-athletes to gain on-the-job training that will be extremely beneficial to them in their future careers.

We look forward to keeping you updated on this project throughout the year and how your donation is making a difference. Again, we thank you for your loyal support and making Tiger Giving Day one to remember.

War Eagle!

Auburn Athletics #TigerGivingDay Update

February 21, 2017

It's been a great day here at Auburn Athletics. We started the day with a goal of raising $10,000 for one post-graduate student-athlete internship. We quickly reached our $10,000 goal thanks to David and Jodie McGirt and their matching gift.

We were well on our way to funding a third internship when Harry and Gail Rice made a $25,000 gift bringing our total to just over $50,000. 

Thank you to all who have contributed today, every gift no matter the size matters. 

The Auburn Family is special and today is a great reminder of that. 


2nd Internship Funded!!

February 21, 2017


Thanks to the generous matching gift from David and Jodie McGirt we have now been able to fund a second post-graduate student-athlete internship. 

Going for internship number 3! What a great day for Auburn student-athletes. 

War Eagle!! 

WOW! We are at 100% - We can do more!

February 21, 2017

Thank you for your loyal support, we are now at 100% of our goal. Let's see if we can go for another $10,000 and fund another post-graduate student-athlete internship.

You are making a difference! Be sure to share on social media today using the #TigerGivingDay. 

War Eagle!! 



Over halfway there!

February 20, 2017

February 20, 2017

Thanks to you, we are over halfway to our goal before Tiger Giving Day on Feb. 21. Thank you! Thank you!

Please help us spread the word. Click the social media links below our video to share the project with your friends and family. 

Also, we have a generous donor who has stepped up to match every dollar given (up to $10,000). Tomorrow is going to be a great day, and we can't wait to reach our goal! 

War Eagle!! 


Choose a giving level


On the job training

Prepare student-athletes for their selected career path.



Provide opportunities to gain valuable work experience.



Enable student-athletes to become specialized in their selected career path.


Young Professional

Empower student-athletes to enter the workforce as young professionals.